Installing Windows or playing with Grub configuration or a corrupted update can make Grub broken and nonfunctional.
In past we shared BOOTICE tool that able to fix MBR and now here is a free tool to fix Grub ( Grub2 ) named Rescatux.
Rescatux is a GNU/Linux rescue cd that come with a easy to use wizard that provide easy guidance to complete rescue tasks.
Steps involve to Update or Recover Grub using Rescatux:
Initial common steps for every option.
1. Burn the Rescatux ISO in a cdrom.
2. Make your PC boot from the cdrom.
3. At Debian Live Boot screen just press ENTER.
Grub options:
Select Grub options.
How To recover Grub option Using Rescatux?
1. Select Restore grub / Fix Linux Boot option and click on OK button.
2. Select the partition where your main Linux is and click on OK button.
3. Select the hard disk where you want Grub to be installed (usually the first one).
4. Reorder hard disks according to hard disk boot order if needed.
5. Grub was installed OK confirmation / Grub was not installed error will appear.
How to update grub configuration using Rescatux?
This option at Rescatux 0.21 version only supports Debian based systems such as Ubuntu.
1. Select Update Grub Configuration option and click on OK button.
2. Rename hard disks if Rescatux’s hard disks device names are not your usual names.
3. Select the partition where your main Linux is and click on OK button.
4. Reorder hard disks according to hard disk boot order if needed.
5. Update Grub Configuration confirmation / Update Grub Configuration went wrong will appear.
Final common steps for every option:
Look for System --> Shutdown in the top tray in order to halt your machine.
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