Stoppees : Guide to Photography and Light
Photography October 2008 | PDF | 504 Pages | ISBN: 0240810635 | 47 MB
This compendium of professional know-how shows you how to both manipulate nature's light and create natural-looking illumination with artificial light sources. Whether you're a professional photographer, you use photography in your profession, or you just want your images to look more professional, this book is your resource to creating far superior digital images.
Stoppees' Guide to Photography and Light
What Digital Photographers, Illustrators, and Creative Professionals Must Know
To order this title, and for more information, click here
Brian and Janet Stoppee, Brian & Janet Stoppee own M2 Media Studios, Inc., based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, west of Washington, DC. Before buying a few rural acres, they owned studios in Richmond, Virginia and New York City. Brian has his bachelor's degree from Lock Haven University, where he studied lighting and theatre design while doing photography, advertising, public relations, and producing shows for the Sloan Fine Arts Center. He majored in fine arts and minored in communications. Janet has her bachelor's degree from the University of Delaware in Visual Communications where she studied advertising, photography, and illustration with some of the advertising community's finest. They've been using computers long before the Macintosh was introduced and had version 1.0 of many of the software applications that have become a mainstay of image-making production. Brian's first book, ?The Photographer's Guide to Using Light? has sold over 90,000 copies. With illustrations by Janet, it was the first project they worked on together. In 1995 they pioneered weather and the environment in the web and on the air at NBC, in Washington.
Brian & Janet Stoppee have incorporated their decades of daily, hands-on expertise at image-making plus their leading seminars and one-on-one training into the most comprehensive guide to photographic lighting available! It's impossible to be successful in photography without a mastery of light. It's the basis of all things photographic. The Stoppees welcome the reader into their professional world with a conversational tone that makes you feel as if you are a member of their team in pre-production planning, out on a shoot, or back at their studio, in post-production. They've packed the book with full color, vibrant images and lighting diagrams that make the technology easy to quickly understand. This compendium of professional know-how shows you how to both manipulate nature's light and create natural-looking illumination with artificial light sources. Whether you're a professional photographer, you use photography in your profession, or you just want your images to look more professional, this book is your resource to creating far superior digital images. You'll gain a greater understanding of: ?Light's Properties ?Digital Exposure ?Optics ?Metering ?Color ?Pre-Production ?Adobe Camera Raw ?Scanning ?Light Modifying Tools ?Support Systems ?Daylight Fluorescent ?HMI ?Wireless Battery Flash ?Digital Studio Flash ?Digital Tablets ?Painter ?Professional Printing ...and much more, just like the world's top image-makers. The Stoppees' darkroom is all digital, so without this guide to photography and light, you'll be left in the dark ages!
Commercial photographers, stock photographers, amateur photographers and hobbiests, and semi-pro photographers. Also photography students.
The Color of Light; Digital Exposure & Optics; Measuring Light & Color; Light, Color, & Use; Preproduction Smarts; Raw Files & Films; Ambient Light; Man-Made Modifiers; Creative Support & Safety; Daylight Fluorescent; HMI; Wireless Battery Flash; Digital Studio Flash; Mixed Light; Essential Tablet Tools; The Light of Photoshop; The Light of Painter; Light & Exhibits
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